Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Rivals Till the End

   Finally finished the second half, or second book, of Wicked series: Curse by Nancy Holder & Debbie ViguiĆ©. Wow, ok wow compared to the first book this one is like five times better, and by that I mean it seemed to have gotten edited, there was flow, and it didn't feel like it was written by two people. You can check out my review for the first book here.
Wicked: Witch & Curse (Wicked, #1-2)

   Again, I don't think the synapses for this really gives you good insight about the book. Curse picks up shortly after Witch leaves off, Holly, Amanda and their coven have been learning all they could since the Black Fire, knowing that Michael is still out there. But when Holly is sent a vision telling her the Jer is still alive will she abandon her coven to find and save him. Meanwhile, Michael is believing that in order to conjure the black fire again for the Supreme Coven he needs to kill the strongest Cahor witch, aka Holly. Informed of a curse put on the Cahor's that any they care for drowns, he stops at nothing to lure Holly and anyone in the coven on a boat for the forces he created to aid in this curse.
Nicole, being scared of what having that kind of power truly means, we find her traveling through Europe only to have a coven of good male witches find her. Feeling as if something is following her, she grows attached to Philippe whose become like her protector.

  This one is diffidently much better written and edited, though there are still inconsistencies through out the book and repeatment, though not nearly as much. The main thing that was consistently repeated was Kari, Jer's sort of friend w/benefits, was so pissy with Holly for getting Jer almost killed, and its like pretty much the only thing we get out of that character. This one had better flow and when is changed the point of view or even the century you were told so the flash backs to the 1500's and whatnot your not sitting there wondering,  'umm where the heck did this come in?', much like I kinda felt with the first book. These history parts or the book are Luc Deveraux tracking down and trying to put an end to the Cahor's

Wicked: Curse (Wicked, #2)
   I'm still not seeing any other aspect of 'Romeo & Juliet' other then what is very clearly two families that want each other dead. Then again, an I just now thought of this while typing, Jer is recovering from his burns, that would have killed him if it weren't for his farther making a deal to keep him alive because he is part of the key to Back Fire, on a hidden island so I guess that can be seen as when Romeo gets banished. Our supposed Romeo & Juliet meaning Jer and Holly have still got no romance going on except that they say they love each other, but how, there's nothing there for any romance to build on for us, the readers perspective, we get nothing from the first book but what I told in that review, and they don't even see each other but in a vision. So in the romance department there's which is I guess our 'main' romance is more like on the second burner cause there's not one but two brewing romances, Amanda and Tommy of which Tommy has always had a crush on her and is trying get up that courage to say it however he might not need to anymore as we kinda get a hint the Amanda might be starting to see him in a different light, and Nicole and Philippe of which you definitely see a spark, he becomes her protector in a way and I'm more interested in how this gets through.

   We definitely see more Wiccan type magic and traditions. At the very beginning of the book there's an author's note from Nancy Holder saying the she learned some of the traditions of Wicca, and you gotta respect her for that cause that is really doing your research. I don't care who are if you want to represent something accurately, like for an acting part or a book, whatever, you got to learn what it is otherwise it just a much of stereotypical stuff. We learn that the cats the girls have are in fact their 'familiars' and they are as important to the coven as any other person in it, we see the use of oils and herbs. We also see the not so Wicca type magic and the magic we see in movies and books, like big magic battles with fireballs or a ghost army type stuff, so having the two together is sorta interesting.

   We see Holly change almost a selfishness comes over her about finding Jer. Then she does something she thinks she has to, a sacrifice, to save save everyone one from this drowning curse. This sacrifice takes something away from her, or put something in her, however way you want to look at it, taking her innocence or putting something dark. But even with this selfishness to find Jer she knows she need to make sure her friends/coven is safe. Of course there's a big battle of which Holly decides to really show some strength, I felt this battle for the most part then towards the end of it it kinda lost me but I still liked it. Wish Nicole its the exact opposite, no longer looking to steal the show. When this coven finds her and having to change where they are very few nights because of whatever this thing that seems to be following them. There's even a battle with them as well, and hopefully with out giving to much away Nicole gets captured by Eli Deveraux and the next ruler, as it were, of this Supreme Coven. She put her flirt on in hope that would create some kind of way to escape, or that Philippe would have time save her, but things don't quite pan out that way. We find out something happen however I'm not gonna tell, and I so want to find out if and when Philippe saves her.

   By the way I shared two cover with you cause the first one is the cover for the combined book, which is the only way I've seen it, like in stores or the library, I've always seen two combined books for the series its vol. 1 and 2 and then the final book. The second cover I saw on goodreads and I just like it so much I couldn't not share it with you.

 ~Hope you enjoyed~

Friday, February 14, 2014

Revisiting Harry Potter #1

   So as you may know I am rereading Harry Potter and if you don't know I have made a vow to not watch the movies till I read the book and I've decided to make a little feature where I tell you what I've forgotten about the books, what I wish made it into the movie and little things I knew about and/or found out. I'm also going to try and get the audio book to read along with from the library. I've also made a deadline for it of Harry's birthday, which is the end of July, by all means you can join me in this revisiting of Harry Potter. In the prosses of making a button, which I will get up soon I just didn't want to delay this any longer, which you can grab if you have a blog, and don't forget to leave me a link or just comment how your doing and what you forgot about the books, ext.

   So welcome to my first Revisiting of Harry Potter. So I had already read Sorcerer's Stone last year but didn't decide to have a post for them till after I read, listened to audio book, and watched the movie, so this is for it.

   Ok so right off the bat the first ten pages! Where did these pages come from I don't remember them at all it follows Vernon and about that frightful day that took poor Harry's parent's, man you would have thought I never read it, true enough this isn't in the movie and I quite like the opening to the movie better. Another thing, Petunia in the book is (pause for effect) blonde, wow, however I couldn't picture a better actress to portray her, Fiona Shaw is funny physically and has good timing and I think that's the type of character Petunia needed, though we don't see that much of her for the first Harry Potter, there's more for the rest of the books.

   As with any book to movie there's always going to be some things changed or taken out what matters is if the things taken out are minor little things or not entirely important and the things that are changed to have it look better or put in a better scene in a way to make it flow better is when it counts, as long as it doesn't change the story if it doesn't make it better then that's just wrong. I myself like most of and changes or rearranging they did for the movie, what I like most is that the people making the film, a.k.a director, screen play writer, and any other important person on the set went to J.K. Rowling and really had her involved in the process of everything, asked her if things could be changed or taken out, and that how it should be, a fresh new author being introduced into the film industry and being told 'hey you can put you foot down and say no that has to be like that or be in it' from the very start I think is the right thing to do, not just taking over and doing what they want to do to it and chopping it to hell *cough, City of Bones, cough* . Like we all know that Daniel Radcliffe has in fact blue eyes but Harry has green, well they wanted Daniel to wear contact but they irritated him, J.K. Rowling told them that as long as they got a woman who has the same eyes, well same color eyes anyway after all it'd be hard to find someone non related who actually has the SAME eyes, to play his mom its fine.

   There are a few things I forgot about and after rereading it I kinda wish it made it into the movie, for instance the sorting hat has a song in the book, that would of been nice to have in the movie only instead of having it a song have more or a speech. Did you know in the book its not Ron who gets detention with Harry, Hermione, and Malfoy but its Neville who does and I kinda like what is in the book about how they got caught and why better then what is in the movie however I understand why is was taken out, and why they choose to have Ron be in detention instead after all they wanted to have most of the focus on them three since the rest of the books focus a lot on them as the main characters.

   Ok, the audio book! I loved the guy who read it his voice was very soft and warming, I liked most of the voices he provided for the characters, I say most because I think I might be spoiled with how the actors in the movie say somethings and the voice they have, he says some things and I'm like no that's supposed to be said sarcastically, I did enjoy following along with it though. When there was some action he kinda raised his voice all excitedly, when there was sneaking around he lowered his voice just slightly though, well actually maybe more subtle is a better word.

   I have the 2 disc dvd of all the movies, all except Deathly Hallows, had I know way back when I got like the first 2 movies that they would do a deluxe edition or do a full box sex with all the movies I 'might' have waited, emphasis on the might, if I'm lucky I might be able to get Deathly Hallows on dvd by the time I'm ready to read that book, again. So with the second disc there are obviously special features. Well one of them is interviews I forgot all about that and must of only watch it back when I first got it, well I watched it this time. In it Chris Columbus, the director, said that he apparently heard that there was talk about taking the best scenes from the first 2 or 3 books and making one movie, what the heck, that would have royally screwed up the series, he even said that. So thank goodness somebody was thinking straight if they did that the movies wouldn't be as popular as they are. Also there were only 3 or 4 books written and out at the time what would they have done for the rest or them?!

   I really think that Harry Potter opened the book to movie era, yes there were books made into movies, even miniseries, before it but none of those were a SERIES of books or for kids to young adult, even adult likes them clearly, and now we've got most big hit book series a movie or becoming a movie. Though I think that is awsome, especially if it's done right, sometimes a book needs to just be a book you know.

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